The Hajj Institute of Nigeria (HIN) was established by the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON). The approval for establishment of HIN was granted by the Federal Ministry of Education in line with the provision of Act CAP E3 LFN 2004 with effect from 9th March, 2022 through the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE).

The main objective of the Institute is continuous improvement in the management of Hajj and Umrah as well as strengthening the capacities of Hajj  managers and operators through training and research.


  • Improve the quality of manpower in the Hajj and Umrah Sector in Nigeria to be at par with global industry standards.

  • Train and certify employees in the Nigerian Hajj and Umrah sector.

  • Develop, in liaison with relevant bodies, occupational standards for the Hajj and Umrah Industry

  • Provide an avenue for skills acquisition and entrepreneurship development of Nigerian Youth in line with National Skills Qualification Framework.

  • Be the reference point globally for Hajj/Umrah training and research.

Who We Are

To be a world class institute for training of Hajj Managers and professionalisation of Hajj Operations.

Continuous improvement in the management of Hajj/Umrah and strengthening the organizational capacities of Hajj management institutions through trainings, research and consultancy services for better service delivery to pilgrims and service providers. Meeting the aspiration of Doyof Al Rahman Program of Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 through digital transformation of Hajj operations.

As trainers of those who will serve the guests of Allah, HIN shall be known for the following core values:

  • Accountability to Allah (Taqwa)
  • Seeking Allah’s Pleasure (Ridhallah)
  • Excellence in service delivery (Ihsaan)
  • Responsibility (Amanah)
  • Justice and Fairness to all (Adl)