Programme Nomenclature: National Vocational Certificate in Computer Studies

Goal: The Vocational Computer Studies Certificate is designed to produce enterprising and self-reliant personnel
in computer operations.

Objectives: A product of NVC in Computer Science should be able to:
1. Understand the computer environment and posses skills needed to use common software packages in a
very competent manner in the business and industrial sector.
2. Operate and maintain basic Operating Systems
3. Install and run common software
4. Input and retrieve data from databases
5. Detect minor technical faults in a Computer
6. Carry out routine (preventive) maintenance of Computer facilities.
7. Start and manage a small computer-based business

Entry Qualifications:

  • Nine years of basic education (3 years of Junior Secondary and school leaving certificate) is the minimum
    requirement for entry Or
  • Special consideration may be given to sponsored candidates with lower academic qualification Or
  • Candidates (matured) who are computer literate have good aptitude capable of benefiting from the

National Vocational Certificate in COMPUTER STUDIES

Trainees who successfully completed all the courses/modules specified in the curriculum table and passed the
national examinations in the trade will be awarded the following certification:

  • A National Vocational Certificate (NVC).
  • This programme is expected to be in form of term/session-based training courses of not less than 3
    months/term and 9 months/session, in three Session Modules, NVC Part I, NVC Part II and NVC Final.